Unleashing The Power of Non-financial Wealth in Estate Planning with Stan Miller (Ep. 28)

Unleashing The Power of Non-financial Wealth in Estate Planning with Stan Miller (Ep. 28)

As a law firm owner, the world of estate planning may seem familiar, but have you truly tapped into its potential? In this episode, Stan Miller shares his expertise on estate planning and delves into the invaluable opportunities and solutions it offers including the importance of asking the right questions, understanding clients’ unique needs, and leaving a non-financial legacy. 

In this episode, Darren Wurz is joined by Stan Miller, experienced estate planning attorney and author of “Your American Legacy.” Stan sheds light on the often overlooked power of estate planning tools and addresses common fears and concerns that clients may have. From protecting heirs’ inheritances to transferring non-financial wealth, Stan emphasizes the opportunities for attorneys to make a lasting impact. He also highlights the importance of crafting tailored solutions and shares valuable insights on helping clients navigate the estate planning process and building a thriving estate planning practice 

Stan discusses:

  1. The importance of creating trusts that support beneficiaries’ desired outcomes and recommends the use of trustee letters and parent-to-child letters
  2. How to uncover clients’ true objectives by asking diagnostic questions
  3. The importance of building rapport and trust through active listening
  4. The immense impact of estate planning on clients’ lives and future generations
  5. The incredible opportunities for attorneys in the $70 trillion wealth transfer happening in the next 20-25 years 


Connect with Darren Wurz:

Connect with Stan Miller:

About our guest:

Stan Miller is the CEO and Principal Attorney at Pinnacle Legacy Law —a law firm with headquarters in Little Rock, Arkansas. Stan is passionate about the power of estate planning and the positive difference it makes in the lives of families. His trademark skill is the ability to listen, first. He then walks his clients through the development of a custom solution for their specific estate planning needs. 

His second trademark skill is the ability to explain your solution in simple understandable terms, you will know exactly what your plan does. Stan was an early pioneer in Living Trust planning in Arkansas- and at a time when most law firms were in favor of probating estates- a much more costly and time-consuming alternative to Living Trusts. He has established over 5,000 Living Trusts and helped protect more than $4.5 billion in assets.  

Those pioneering successes led him to emerge as a national leader in Estate Planning. He later helped found WealthCounsel, LLC, the leading provider of education and document-drafting software for Estate and Business Planning attorneys throughout the US. In 2008, he was instrumental in co-founding ElderCounsel, LLC, which is now the national leader in technology and education for Elder Law attorneys. He served on the board of both companies prior to their sale in late 2021. 

Stan is a sought-after speaker for professional audiences, individuals, families, colleagues, and contemporaries around the US. Speaking on topics including estate planning, business planning, wealth planning, and legacy planning. Stan previously served as an elected member of the Board of Directors for the City of Hot Springs, and as a member of the Board of St. Joseph’s Regional Health Center- now CHI St. Vincent.  

He and his wife Patrice are the proud parents of two sons.  Stan’s passion for helping his clients build powerful legacies led him to write the national bestselling book, Your American Legacy – Powerful Strategies That Instill Lasting Values for Generations. He founded The Legacy Leaders Network in 2022 and is training a national network of attorneys, financial advisors, CPAs, and realtors how to grow their business and help their clients build lasting legacies. 

Stan is also the co-host of the Your Life, Your Legacy Podcast and the Legacy Leaders Podcast that can be found on Apple and Spotify.

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