Tag: Tax Preparation

Tax Planning For Attorneys With Mike Jesowshek, CPA (Ep.7)

Tax Planning For Attorneys With Mike Jesowshek, CPA (Ep.7)

Taxes are a major concern for many successful attorneys and law firm owners. 

In this episode, Darren Wurz talks with Mike Jesowshek, CPA, and host of the Small Business Tax Savings Podcast. He discusses how he can help you with tax planning, and also walks you through the journey to tax minimization.

Mike discusses:

  • How he helps business owners and attorneys with taxes
  • After-tax versus pre-tax dollars
  • What is unique about tax planning for attorneys
  • Five main steps in the journey to tax minimization
  • And more


Connect With Darren Wurz:

Connect With Mike Jesowshek:

About Our Guest:

Mike is the Founder and Host of the Small Business Tax Savings Podcast. He has spent his entire career as an entrepreneur. Mike was CFO and co-founded several companies. Throughout that journey, he has experienced all business stages, from the good to the bad.

Mike’s mission is to help hard-working business owners overcome complex IRS rules and over-inflated tax bills so they can enjoy the fruits of their labor. This is how the Small Business TaxSavings Podcast was born.

Mike earned his Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Master’s degree in Accounting. He is a licensed CPA.

When Mike is not in the office you can find him spending time with family and friends. He is also an avid sports fan and you can often find him rooting for his Milwaukee Brewers, Wisconsin Badgers, Milwaukee Bucks, and Minnesota Vikings.