Tag: Entrepreneur

Retirement for Law Firm Owners Pt 3: Prepare for Exit Now (Ep. 71)

Retirement for Law Firm Owners Pt 3: Prepare for Exit Now (Ep. 71)

As a law firm owner, are you prepared for the inevitable exit from your practice? Whether retirement is on your immediate horizon or decades away, strategic exit planning is not a future consideration but a present imperative.

In this critical discussion, we delve into why planning your exit now is indispensable to maximize the value and profitability of your law firm.

On the latest episode of The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast, host Darren Wurz concludes a pivotal three-part series on retirement strategies for law firm owners.

Darren emphasizes that exit planning is an integral part of good business strategy, regardless of your age or retirement timeline. This episode underscores the necessity of contingency planning and the benefits of creating a transition-ready law firm.

Darren discusses:

  • The importance of succession planning, regardless of your age.
  • The three core areas of exit planning.
  • How making your law firm transition ready can increase its worth and profitability.
  • Practical steps you can apply to de-risk your firm, improve operational efficiency, and foster a culture of growth.
  • How to structure your retirement, safeguard your financial future, and find purposeful activities post-business life.



Retirement for Law Firm Owners Pt 1: Closing the Wealth Gap (Ep. 69)

Retirement for Law Firm Owners Pt 1: Closing the Wealth Gap (Ep. 69)

Have you ever wondered if you are financially prepared for retirement or if you’re just hoping for the best? As a law firm owner, the difference between financial freedom and endless work hours hinges on a crucial concept – your wealth gap.

In this solo episode of The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast, host Darren Wurz guides you through understanding and closing your wealth gap, specifically tailored for law firm owners.

Darren discusses:

  • The wealth gap and why it is critical for your financial strategy.
  • The importance of tracking your expenses to gauge your current standard of living.
  • How to differentiate between traditional retirement and financial freedom.
  • How to calculate your wealth gap.
  • The differences between your income gap and wealth gap and how to address each of them.
  • How to transform your law practice into a major financial asset.


Secrets for LinkedIn Success in 2024 for Lawyers (Ep. 67)

Secrets for LinkedIn Success in 2024 for Lawyers (Ep. 67)

In the digital age, LinkedIn isn’t just a networking platform; it’s a gateway to new opportunities and connections. Success on LinkedIn doesn’t come from simply having a profile; it comes from making the most of every pixel and feature. For ambitious law firm owners, optimizing LinkedIn can translate to business growth and professional acclaim.

In our latest episode of “The Lawyer Millionaire,” we bring you Marc Halpert, LinkedIn specialist and business growth guru, who shares his top strategies to elevate your LinkedIn presence in 2024.

Marc discusses:

  • Strategies for consistently creating high-quality posts on LinkedIn.
  • The critical components of an impeccable LinkedIn profile, from eye-catching visuals to a compelling “About” section.
  • Practical tips on crafting posts that inspire action, without over-relying on superficial engagement tactics like emojis.
  • How to create a compelling “About” section.
  • The nuances of using client and colleague reviews ethically on LinkedIn, and why it’s crucial for compliance.
  • How to create a powerful first impression that significantly attracts potential clients.




Connect with Marc Halpert:

About our guest:

Marc W. Halpert is a self-described “multi-preneur.” Since leaving the corporate finance world in 2001, Marc has started 3 companies, all of which he still operates.

Two of those companies offer specialized, paperless electronic payment services to optimize cash flow of by speeding of payments, to:

  • retailers, small- and medium-sized businesses (Your Best Interest LLC)
  • nonprofit organizations, professional and membership groups (e-giving).

In 2010 he started his third company, connect2collaborate, to spread his LinkedIn and networking evangelism to train and coach others. In all his LinkedIn training and coaching, he offers professionals the opportunity to better explain their brand and positioning on their LinkedIn profile pages: who they really are and why them vs. the competition.

As a LinkedIn trainer, Marc has been recognized as a high-energy speaker at national and regional conferences and instructor to sales/marketing and HR/training departments at large and small professional service firms and businesses.

He is one of a handful of “evangelists” recognized by LinkedIn nationwide to train nonprofits to cultivate their talent pool, volunteer, board member and donor development opportunities.

His specialty in customized personal coaching has helped individuals in all walks of life and industries to use LinkedIn to better achieve their professional goals.

Marc has authored numerous articles on innovations using the latest LinkedIn techniques for self-branding in national publications, both in paper and online. He serves as a subject matter expert for the business, technology and social media press. He is a frequent contributor to inc.com and has been heard frequently on WCBS Newsradio 880 AM giving LinkedIn advice on their business reports. He blogs every business day with a LinkedIn Nugget.

In April 2021 the second edition of his book published by the American Bar Association “LinkedIn Marketing Techniques for Law and Professional Practices was released.

A perfect gift: “I wanted to let you know that my son was very happy to get your book on LinkedIn for attorneys for Christmas!”

In June 2018, he self-published the only book on the market specifically aimed at teaching LinkedIn concepts to nonprofit professionals, “You, Us, Them: LinkedIn Marketing Concepts for Nonprofit Professional Who Really Want to Make a Difference,” available on Amazon and Kindle. This book has an online course as a companion, available at https://connect2collaborate.wordpress.com/nonprofitcourse/.

How Lawyers Can Become Findable Online in 2024 (Ep. 64)

How Lawyers Can Become Findable Online in 2024 (Ep. 64)

Are you prepared to ensure your firm stands out in a crowded market in 2024?

In this compelling installment of The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast, host Darren Wurz engages with Travis Hoechlin, an expert in digital marketing with extensive experience working with law firms.

Travis, who leads a team of 37 employees and works with 350 law firms across the U.S., provides an in-depth analysis of digital strategies that can help law firms gain a competitive edge. Drawing on his vast expertise, he explores how advancements in technology and clear communication can play a pivotal role in your law firm’s success.

This episode is a must-listen for any law firm owner serious about growing their business.

Travis discusses:

  • The importance of using clear and concise language that is tailored to a broad audience to effectively convert website visitors into clients.
  • Why you should make contact information easily accessible on your website.
  • The current and future impact of AI on digital marketing
  • The significance of utilizing texting services and ensuring rapid response times to meet your client’s expectations.
  • Why having a social media presence is very important?
  • The future of digital marketing.



Connect with Travis Hoechlin:

About our guest:

Travis Hoechlin is the co-founder and CEO of RizeUp Media. With over a decade of experience, he and his team have been helping hundreds of law firms grow. They customize strategies to boost client generation, improve the quality of clients, and generate higher revenue. Travis’s clients trust him to take the guesswork out of marketing so they can focus on practicing law.

Quick Wins for Growing Your Firm’s Online Presence (Ep. 60)

Quick Wins for Growing Your Firm’s Online Presence (Ep. 60)

In the digital age, a strong online presence is essential for any law firm looking to grow and succeed. In our latest episode of The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast, hosts Darren Wurz and guest Ashley Robinson delve into powerful strategies that can help law firm owners elevate their digital footprint.

Ashley emphasized the significance of SEO and email marketing in consistently producing leads and gaining the trust of Google. She also covers the importance of developing a well-designed, mobile-friendly website that ranks high on search engines.

If you’re aiming to attract more clients and stand out in a saturated market, you won’t want to miss a single minute of this insightful discussion.

Ashley discusses:

  • Why SEO is indispensable for ranking well on Google and attracting a steady stream of clients to your website.
  • The importance of utilizing short-form videos and AI-driven content creation to adapt to evolving digital trends.
  • The importance of website optimization.
  • Find out why regular email marketing keeps you top of mind through the long buyer’s journey, especially for niches like family law.
  • How to measure effective KPIs—like conversion rates, contact form activity, and call tracking—to gauge your marketing success accurately.




Connect with Ashley Robinson:

About our guest:

Ashley Robinson is the founder and CEO of Green Cardigan Marketing, a digital marketing agency that focuses on helping law firm’s grow and achieve their financial goals through marketing strategies that work! Ashley’s journey to starting Green Cardigan Marketing first began with her love for golf; literally (keep reading and you will understand why)! Ashley played collegiate golf at Jacksonville State University where she earned her degree in Public Relations. After college Ashley began her career in marketing where she worked in account management in the automotive and cabinet industries.

In 2019 the opportunity presented itself for Ashley to begin her career in legal marketing. When she began working for lawyers as a side hustle, Ashley quickly realized the need for honest digital marketing services for law firms. As the side hustle grew, Ashley soon realized her passion and love for helping law firms grow through digital marketing. As the business grew, the brainstorming began for what to call the business. Drawing inspiration from her love for golf and the rich history and level of excellence behind the term “The Green Jacket”, the name “Green Cardigan” was born!

Since its inception, Green Cardigan Marketing has been hyper focused on helping law firm owners achieve their goals all while providing out of this world customer service. To date, Ashley and her team have worked with over 150 law firms across 37 states.


Turn Your Firms Podcast Into a Content Marketing Machine (Ep. 56)

Turn Your Firms Podcast Into a Content Marketing Machine (Ep. 56)

Are you a law firm owner looking to elevate your client engagement and marketing strategy? Discover the untapped potential of podcasting in this riveting episode of The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast

Host Darren Wurz delves deep with podcasting expert Robert Ingalls who shares his transformational journey from a litigating attorney to a podcasting pro.

Robert recounts his transition from an unfulfilling career in litigation to a thriving business in podcast production. Inspired by a book and a podcast, Robert shares how he started his own podcast and eventually began producing content for others. Both Darren and Robert emphasize the importance of delivering quick, valuable content that respects the listener’s time and tackles their pain points directly. They also explore the benefits of evergreen content, high-quality audio, and the incredible value of consistency in podcasting.

Robert discusses:

  • How his journey from litigation to podcasting can inspire you to pursue your own passions.
  • Affordable and effective microphone options to ensure top-notch audio quality.
  • How to turn listeners into clients and referrals.
  • How law firm owners can stand out with a podcast.
  • The importance of creating valuable content before making an ask.
  • How to create high quality content consistently to keep your audience engaged and build credibility.




Connect with Ross Pitcoff:

About our guest:

Robert Ingalls is a recovering attorney, professional speaker, and the founder of LawPods, one of the first podcast production agencies for law firms. At LawPods, Robert and his team help some of the premier law firms in the world launch and grow branded podcasts that build relationships and drive revenue.

Robert’s path to Podcast Producer to the Am Law 100 was anything but direct. For years he battled anxiety from the pressure, long hours, and constant conflict of a litigation career. When he was finally ready to throw in the towel, he had no idea what to do next. With no business/marketing background and only a love for podcasts he discovered while creating a podcast for his law firm, Robert decided to see if lawyers would pay him to help them launch podcasts. With very few takers in the early days, Robert spent two years in a corporate banking gig, grinding nights and weekends to finally bring LawPods to life.

As a speaker, Robert frequently speaks on topics including Positioning Your Firm Podcast for Success, Prioritizing Mental Health, Entrepreneurship, and Law Office Technology. In his spare time, he enjoys teaching podcasting at community events, spending time with his wife and daughters, and skateboarding/snowboarding.

Mastering Networking for Lawyers with Deb Feder (Ep. 55)

Mastering Networking for Lawyers with Deb Feder (Ep. 55)

Have you ever walked into a room full of professionals and felt lost in the sea of suits and briefcases? You’re not alone. Networking can be daunting, but it’s a goldmine of opportunities when done right. This week on The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast, we dive deep into the art of networking with expert Deb Feder. If your goal is to turn every handshake into a meaningful business relationship, this episode is your roadmap.

Deb shatters common networking myths and shares practical strategies that are immediately actionable and incredibly effective. From clumsy mishaps to strategic mastery, her insights demystify and simplify networking in a way that any law firm owner can appreciate and apply.

Deb discusses:

  • How to engage meaningfully in group conversations.
  • How to turn networking mistakes to opportunities.
  • The hidden value in small talk.
  • How busy lawyers can manage tasks efficiently.
  • Effective virtual networking techniques.
  • How to overcome the fear of putting yourself out there and communicating at networking events.



Connect with Deb Feder:


About our guest:

Deb Feder is a business development coach, strategist, owner and CEO of Feder Development LLC, a consulting firm focused on helping lawyers bring in consistent clients through curious, confident conversations and changing the way we view productivity for professionals.

Deb believes in dropping excuses and simple productivity solutions. Using LinkedIn as a platform to validate and share ideas, Deb helps professionals engage in meaningful content and connections. For the last decade, Deb has committed herself to changing the way we think about work-life balance and tackle high stakes work, allowing for big careers and enjoying our free time. Deb leads the community in dropping excuses, getting productive, and bringing in business through the monthly membership program, Focus30.

Prior to founding Feder Development, Deb practiced corporate law for 15 years and holds a history degree from the University of Michigan and her JD/MBA from the University of Iowa. Deb completed her coach training and certification through New Ventures West and completed the training in The Daring Way™, which is based on the research of Dr. Brené Brown.

Scaling Smart: Ross Pitcoff’s Law Firm Growth Journey (Ep. 54)

Scaling Smart: Ross Pitcoff’s Law Firm Growth Journey (Ep. 54)

In the fiercely competitive legal landscape, achieving breakthrough success requires more than just legal expertise—it demands astute business acumen and strategic foresight.

Join us in this insightful episode of The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast, where Ross Pitcoff, a seasoned attorney and law firm owner, unveils the core strategies that helped catapult his practice to the forefront of the industry.

Ross delves into the significance of precisely identifying and understanding your client base, the intricacies of financial management within a law firm, and the transformative impact of targeted digital marketing strategies.

Ross discusses:

  • How to identify and target your ideal clients.
  • How he uses Linkedin to build brand awareness and attract clients.
  • Practical steps to boost your firm’s finances.
  • The key reason most lawyers lack business acumen.
  • The evolution of legal professionals in the digital age.
  • How to hire the right team members to support law firm operations.





Connect with Ross Pitcoff:


About our guest:

Ross Pitcoff is the Managing Partner & Founder of Pitcoff Law Group, PC (formally known as: Ross Pitcoff Law), a New York City business law firm with a principal office located on Park Avenue.

Mr. Pitcoff is a highly skilled commercial & business litigator, specializing in cases involving business divorce, partnership disputes, contractual breaches, fraud, and alternative dispute resolution. Known for his fierce oral advocacy skills and unique ability to simplify factually complex legal scenarios, Mr. Pitcoff is a powerful advocate for his clients both inside and outside the courtroom.

Having been admitted to practice in the Southern and Eastern districts of New York, Mr. Pitcoff demonstrates his versatile legal skills and ability to effectively navigate complex legal landscapes. He obtained his law degree from the prestigious Fordham University School of Law in 2010, further enhancing his deep knowledge and understanding of the law.

As the Managing Partner of Pitcoff Law Group, Mr. Pitcoff has spearheaded the Firm’s recent tremendous growth, earning the Firm the prestigious “Law Firm 500” award in 2023 while officially ranking as the 11th fastest-growing small law firm in the country. This notable achievement is a testament to Mr. Pitcoff’s exceptional leadership, commitment to excellence, and passion for delivering exceptional legal services to his clients.

In addition to his legal practice, Mr. Pitcoff is a highly sought-after speaker, sharing his insights and expertise on topics related to commercial business practices and alternative dispute resolution. His ability to provide strategic guidance and navigate complex legal challenges has earned him the trust and respect of his clients and peers alike.

Mr. Pitcoff’s areas of expertise extend beyond litigation. He and the Firm also act as trusted General Counsel to business owners, providing strategic guidance to businesses in matters such as entity structuring, operating and shareholder agreements, contractual negotiation and review, internal investigations, and overseeing acquisitions via asset sales or stock purchases. His comprehensive approach ensures his clients receive exemplary legal support and guidance tailored to their specific needs.

Mastering Profit First: Transform Your Law Firm with RJon Robins (Ep. 50)

Mastering Profit First: Transform Your Law Firm with RJon Robins (Ep. 50)

In the competitive world of law, success is not solely measured by case wins, but also by the financial strength and stability of your practice. The latest episode of The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast offers a rigorous exploration of the tenets of financial acumen in the legal profession.

Host Darren Wurz engages with esteemed guest RJon Robins in a deep dive into the critical application of the “profit first” approach and the moral obligations law firm owners face in maintaining financial probity. With a focus on stability, sustainability, and ethical practice, this episode presents an analysis of financial strategies that align with the core values of justice and service inherent to the legal profession. Listeners will gain a wider understanding of the fiscal prudence required to navigate the future of law with confidence and clarity.

RJon discusses:

  • How the “profit first” system can revolutionize the financial health of your law firm.
  • Strategies for dealing with resistance from staff when implementing new financial systems.
  • The psychological and ethical implications of running a profitable practice for both clients and law firm teams.
  • How to stop the money leaks and transform your law firm finances today
  • The important truths most broke lawyers don’t like to hear
  • The essential financial tools included in his bonus package — bookkeeper assessment template, financial quiz, and more


Connect with Darren Wurz:

Connect with RJon Robins:

About our guest:

RJon Robins is the one common denominator behind more multi-million-dollar law firms than anyone else on the planet. RJon believes in profit, and he detests loss.

Since he first reported for duty as a Small Law Firm Management Advisor with The Florida Bar’s Law Office Management Assistance Service (LOMAS) under the legendary J.R. Phelps (1999) and since founding How To Manage A Small Law Firm (2009) RJon and his team of wildly qualified law firm business management advisors have coached, counseled, advised, and kicked the butts of thousands of wildly successful small law firm owners. Yes, we know we used the word “wildly” twice in that sentence – what How to Manage a Small Law Firm does is that good.

The only three things that piss RJon off are:

  1. The Doctrine of Sacrifice
  2. People who would have you embrace The Doctrine of Sacrifice
  3. The BS those people often spew to try and convince you, as an entrepreneur that you should somehow take pride in how much you suffer but apologize for how much value you create for yourself and others.

Oh, and in case you’re impressed by this sort of thing RJon is a Member of The Florida Bar, he’s authorized to appear before The Southern District Federal Court, he’s a Member of The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, his company How To Manage A Small Law Firm has been named by Inc Magazine as one of the 5000 Fastest Growing Privately Held Companies in the United States every year since 2015 and after 15 years of marriage his wife still thinks he’s funny.

Why Did RJon Write Profit First for Lawyers?

After working with thousands of law firm entrepreneurs for many years, RJon wanted to write a book dedicated to business owners who are committed to growing their law firm and living a better life. RJon has seen first-hand how “conventional wisdom” has led many entrepreneurs astray and wanted to share what he knows will help them turn their businesses around.

If entrepreneurs implement what’s explained in the book, their law firms WILL become more profitable and they WILL feel more satisfied.

But this book will probably piss them off too.

Why? Because when they discover the culprits who have been keeping them separated from their profits… It will probably piss them off. One day they will wake up and be pretty pissed about all the bad advice they’ve been given.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

If you are ready to take the next step and experience even MORE personal and professional growth, then you may be ready to become a member of How to Manage a Small Law Firm.

If you already know an HTM Member, GOOD. Now you need the courage to begin your journey “through the looking glass.”

Don’t know an HTM Member?

Several of our Members volunteer each quarter to “pay it forward” and have a conversation with potential new members about what it’s really like to work with How To Manage. Based on that conversation, they’ll send you a referral to have a formal consultation with someone from our New Member Engagement group.

If our team believes we can help you achieve your goals they’ll recommend the next-best step for you. Fill out the “I’m Interested in Joining HTM” form and you’ll be introduced to one of our members.

5 Money Scripts That Could Be Sabotaging Your Financial Success (Ep. 48)

5 Money Scripts That Could Be Sabotaging Your Financial Success (Ep. 48)

Attention, law firm owners. Have you ever stopped to consider if your personal beliefs about money could be hindering your financial success?
In this solo episode of The Lawyer Millionaire Podcast, host Darren Wurz dives deep into the concept of money scripts and how they may be quietly dictating your financial destiny. Let’s uncover what money scripts are, how they affect you, and how changing them might transform your financial future.

Darren discusses:

  • The concept of money scripts and how deeply ingrained beliefs about money shape financial behaviors and attitudes, often without realization.
  • The potential personal and business effects of money scripts, including overspending, difficulty saving, and impacts on law firm financial management.
  • Common money scripts, such as “money is bad” and “more money will make things better,” and how they may be influencing financial decisions.
  • Practical strategies for reflecting on and analyzing personal money scripts, including techniques for identifying and discussing these beliefs with others.
  • The importance of seeking professional guidance from a financial planner or financial therapist to navigate the intricate journey of unearthing and reshaping money scripts effectively.


Connect with Darren Wurz: